« 07.23.2008: {her.purple.polka.dot.pantyhose} | Main | 07.25.2008: {another.day.another.dream} »


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Mandy!!!! These are seriously awesome!!!! If we beg long and hard, can you give us (and I'm sure there's a huge collective "we" that will agree with me!) a tutorial on this?


oh you're processing is awesome. you do such great work!


Love the PP on this!! So vintage - so cool!! Can't wait to know the secret!! ;)

Lori P. (artistatheart)

LOVE this image! Love the composition, the details, the pp, the thoughfulness of it all. Just wonderful!


Gorgeous! I love the feel of this.


So awesome! So, when do I get my photoshop lesson ;)

Question- What do you use to get the little sun flare dots. Is it like a texture of filter or maybe it's magic. Whatever it is I like it.


Oh wow, what a shot! I love what you did to get the sun flare. Someday you have to share!

Becky (finsup)

This is a catch-up day for me so I got to see lots of your beautiful photos at once. And now I want to know your secret. Are you pregnant? (That's always my first guess when a woman has a secret ha ha.)


Mandy, this is beautiful! Love the pp here and the soft colors. Really neat.


The processing just fits the photo to a T!


Your PPing and composition are always right on. I really love this shot.


The PP on this is awesome, I love the feel of the photo.


Wow...I love the emotion!
The bokah texture is way cool!!!


Love the composition in this. I always think that photos of children from the back evoke such emotion. This one does that for sure.


you've really drawn me in, i'm interested to come back on Fri! this shot seems like it has a lot to say, i definitely want to look at it more

Michelle Davies

this has got to be my most favorite of your images so far. has such a vintage feeling to it. almost something that norman rockwell would have painted. beautiful.

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